Saturday, February 12, 2022

"Moonfall" Review


by John Zenoni

I truly am almost embarrassed to admit that I spent my precious gift card money on seeing the horrendous, ludicrous, hysterically bad film, ‘Moonfall.’ This one is just a mess and some of the dialogue is atrocious. One of the characters actually says, "I hope the moon holds together, a least for a little while anyway."

I mean, I knew I wasn't going to be watching a critically acclaimed, independent type film but geez, come on. The storyline was bad, the special effects are mediocre and the running time is way too long. For an example of the ludicrousness at work here: a guy just went to space with no experience and yet was able to close the fueling valve? Right!

I really can't review this one because it has already taken enough of my precious time. But I do want to ask Halle Berry, ‘Why? Why, oh, why are you continuing to put yourself in such trash? You have proven you are a great actor and have an Oscar for gosh sakes! So please, either get another agent or rethink your choices if you're picking your own film roles. This is one that you will be remembered for. But not in a good way.’

Oh my gosh...the only other two people in the auditorium with me left about 30 minutes before the end and never came back! Ok, enough said and you have been warned.

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