Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Sasquatch" Documentary Review


by John Zenoni

Ok, if you think that the latest documentary on Hulu , ‘Sasquatch’, is nothing but fluff and something to laugh about, you would be so wrong. I was one of those who thought, ‘Sasquatch? What can this show add or cover that all the other shows and documentaries haven't done already?’ Well, they definitely did it and in a brilliant way, which I won't spoil by any means.
The beginning of this short (3 episodes) series introduces investigative journalist David Holthouse, who tells the story of how he was on a cannabis farm back in the fall of 1993 doing undercover work and 2 workers came running into the cabin he was staying in that night terrorized, saying that they had come across 3 workers who had been torn apart and mutilated by a Sasquatch. The leader or owner of the farm got the men to calm down and leave and laughed it off but Holthouse said he wondered all these years later if there was anything to the story. Thus, he decided to pursue it and does so in this brilliant documentary.
Note that this is a rough one to watch and definitely isn't something like you might have watched on the old Leonard Nimoy series, ‘In Search Of', which I loved as a kid. This one delves into something else very popular at the time that Bigfoot or Sasquatch was being ‘seen’ in the California area and that was the increase in pot farms and what people did to protect their growth. Needless to say, this is where the show really begins to get interesting and scary and the end just left me thinking, ‘Wow!’ It turned out to be frightening stuff but not because of the story of Sasquatch itself.
This is definitely a very well made, informative and disturbing documentary that I highly recommend.

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