Monday, June 21, 2021

"The Devil Below" Movie Review


by John Zenoni

While not as big a horror fan as I used to be, I still decided to give one of the latest entries on Netflix a try and have to say it definitely gave me a few jolts. ‘The Devil Below’ has a pretty good storyline and some decent acting so overall I would say it's a pretty good scare flick. It's not great by any stretch of the imagination but it kept my interest. The story is about a group of geologists/scientists who are led by a travel guide to try and find a town that had a coal mine that was abandoned due to a mysterious fire, for which no one has an explanation. In the beginning of the film, we see Will Patton and his son, both coal miners, leaving when something happens and a creature of some sort pulls the son down into the hole. Needless to say we see Will Patton show up later.

The biggest thing about this film that bothered me is that all I could think about was ‘The Descent’, which is a similar but much, much better film. This film tries to play off of that one in my opinion and there's just no comparison. If you're looking for a great film about a cave, hunters and monsters, save your time and energy on ‘The Descent.’


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