Sunday, September 19, 2021

"Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror" Review


by John Zenoni

I'm sure like many other Americans around this time of year, I always have to watch the many television specials and shows regarding the horrific events that played out on 9/11. Some people don’t want to do this I know, which is understandable, but that day is one that I will never forget as I clearly remember where I was, what I was doing and who I was with when the events played out live on television. It was an absolutely terrifying day as, for a long time, no one knew what was going on, who was responsible for the attacks and what other buildings might be next. Plus, it was a day in which I believe every American stood united as one regardless of background, race, religious beliefs, etc.
So, with that being said, I went into watching ‘Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror’ on Netflix with a certain expectation, only to become totally disenchanted by the 3rd episode (there are 5). All I'll say about this series is that for anyone expecting this to be a total pro-American, ‘rah-rah-rah’, ‘hip-hip-hooray’, ‘God bless America’ experience you're going to be very surprised and disappointed. At least that's my personal take on this series. Do I think everything stated in it is wrong? Not necessarily. However, I do think that this is one show that needed to have a disclaimer at the beginning indicating what the show's content is about, as it really is misleading. Again, this is just my opinion and I certainly welcome others' opinions on it. The opening segments are hard to watch, as one can imagine, but I did learn some new things surrounding the events in New York. My heart still aches for everyone who lost their lives that day and for the families left behind.
Regardless of one’s opinion about the content of the entire series, one cannot deny that 9/11 was a day that changed America and the world forever, in both good and bad ways.

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