Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Perspective on "13 Reasons Why"

by John Z.

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'13 Reasons Why' - I have been watching this show out of curiosity because it seems to be in the news a lot lately because of the content - teenage suicide. Apparently the concern is that this show glamorizes it and people are concerned that some might see this as an 'easy way out.' I find that concern somewhat ironic (and too late) as teenagers - and adults too - already see suicide as such. I personally have 5 close friends who lost their children to suicide or committed suicide themselves. My point of this is, as friends, adults, parents, loved ones - we need to watch for signs in others of withdrawal or depression or exhibiting signs that might indicate possible suicide.

This is a rough and hard show to watch - of the 13 episodes I am now starting number 7 - and was going to comment on it after watching it all but this latest episode makes me so mad I have to say it now. 

The central character is bullied by her classmates and and an unjust reputation given to her so that males think one way about her. I wish every red-blooded male with an ego or attitude problem or spoiled behavior who thinks 'I can get anyway with anything because I am so-or-so or my parents or so- and-so' would watch this show and realize that when a young girl or woman says no, she means NO! And as for the young ladies, I hope we can continue to teach them that words can do way more damage than they might realize. 

I pray that we can help our youth learn to be kind to each other, respect each other's differences, and love one another as God's children. That is my perspective of this show for now. More to follow...



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1 comment:

  1. Completed the series and this is one thought provoking show. If anyone watches it and does not feel anything about our society and youth - whether this current generation and/or those of the past - then something is wrong. It also should make adults, parents and teachers think about how they interact with our youth and the things that are said. I had a very interesting conversation with some young people just this past week about this show and it was surprising to hear some of the feedback they gave me on it. While some of the content of the show was very 'adult' in my opinion, at the same time the kids I spoke with said it was definitely realistic in many ways and so probably necessary to make the point it is trying to make. Very scary indeed and I feel for the kids going to school today because, as Hannah Baker, the lead character says at one point in the show, and I am paraphrasing here, 'We are all stalkers, each and everyone of us today, with the social media such as Instagram, Snapchat and FB.' True indeed...
