Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why is Black Widow Getting a Solo Movie Instead of an Actual Black Superhero?

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Avengers-member Black Widow's solo movie is slated to debut on May 1, 2020. But why exactly is she getting her own movie? Every other MCU character with self-titled features -- Black Panther, Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, most of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Hulk -- has superpowers. Even Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp use suits that allow them to perform superhuman feats. Even Hawkeye, who doesn't have his own film, apparently possesses out-of-this-world marksmanship skills.

Black Widow, on the other hand, while a hand-to-hand badass, has no unnatural enhancements whatsoever. She's also a former spy. Part of her training as a Russian espionage operative was shown in 2015's Age of Ultron and looked a lot like the PG-13 version of last year's Red Sparrow. So an origin story would merely be a retread of what we've already seen. Anything besides an origin story would likely resemble Salt, some of the Mission Impossible movies or a toned-down Atomic Blonde. Marvel's even released a spy movie (The Winter Soldier) with superhumans -- a movie that included Black Widow. What could possibly be fresh about her solo film?

And why give us yet another feature about yet another white hero when actual superheroes of color -- without their own films -- are available? Given that Marvel is mostly known for being in the PWPs (people with powers) business, wouldn't a Luke Cage movie be more suited to the MCU? Falcon can even fly, albeit with the aid of mechanical wings. How about Blue Marvel, Isaiah Bradley, Deathlok or Patriot? Hell, Blade's already a proven bankable character. How about a reboot? Or is Black Panther merely the MCU's token Black hero?

Russian spy training scene in Age of Ultron

Russian spy training scene in Red Sparrow

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