Thursday, January 24, 2019

"Halloween" Micro-Review

by John Zenoni

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Little did I expect that I would be interested in revisiting the ‘Halloween’ series after all these years but I did and have to say that the latest remake (or new version?) of ‘Halloween’ was actually pretty good. In fact, it actually took me back to when I was 13 years old and I saw the original film which scared the heck out of me. To hear that creepy music again in the latest film brought back some spooky memories. Jamie Lee Curtis is fantastic in her role as Laurie Strode. She definitely shines as the heroine and you once again hope that she will get revenge and rid of Michael Myers once and for all. The supporting cast is great as well as, and in my opinion most importantly -- the scares! It's pretty gory but not over the top and nothing like the ‘torture porn’ in a lot of horror films released today. Do I want another one to follow? Not necessarily but with this series, if they continue to be as good as this latest installment then I'll continue watching them!

1 comment:

  1. Halloween is my horror series. I love how they just ignored all of the other movies when they made the latest one. I’m still trying to figure out what was the purpose of Halloween 3 and why it was ever made...
