Saturday, January 26, 2019

"Stan & Ollie" Review: They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore

by John Zenoni

Image result for stan & ollie 2018

Well I know everyone at some point and time has either said or heard the phrase, ‘They don’t make them like that anymore.’ This is so true of the movie I saw tonight called, ‘Stan & Ollie.’ I did'nt even know about this one until my brother mentioned it and I can see what has happened. It's not a big budget horror, action, sci-fi, or comic book hero movie and is about two comedic actors whose prime was back in the late 30’s to early 40’s so of course it's not going to draw any big interest. But that's really unfair because the movie is just great.

At one time they were the world's greatest comedy team and as their popularity begins to fade out, Laurel (portrayed in the film by Steve Coogan) and Hardy (portrayed by John C. Reilly) decide to try and regain their popularity by touring halls in Britain in 1953 with the hope of being able to make films again. This is what the movie is about and it does an amazing job of capturing the duo's friendship as well as showing the hard times they went through as partners. The comic routines portrayed in the film are brilliant and both Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly are amazing as the main characters. Not only do they look like the real Laurel and Hardy but (as seen at the end credits) they act like them as well.

The wives in the film prove to be a great supporting cast and are great as well. This is a sweet story about two men who had respect and love for each other and were the only ones who understood why they did what they did. It's a shame that this film is being released when it is because Coogan and Reilly both deserve award recognition for their performances.

Going back to my comment about not making movies like they used to, this is a PG film that is a simple, clean yet excellent film that's worth every penny to see. Highly recommend!

1 comment:

  1. Both John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan are at the top of their game...but man this flick is boring.
