Sunday, October 8, 2017

"American Made" Marks a Great Return to Form for Tom Cruise

Image result for barry seal

DEA informant Barry Seal

This is not only a great film but it also gives Tom Cruise the opportunity to give one of his best performances in a very long time. At first I thought the narration might be somewhat annoying (as someone else I know who saw it found it to be) but it really wasn’t. In fact, I found it helpful and pivotal to understanding certain key parts of the movie. I remembered some of the stuff referenced in the movie but not all of it and the narration helped explain quite a few things. 

The movie was engaging and very entertaining. All of the other actors in the film were good but this was definitely a Tom Cruise film all the way. I thought he was great in ‘The Mummy’ (2017 version!) as well but know that people just did not take to it as expected so I feel that this feel is definitely a chance for him to ‘redeem’ himself. 

This one has action, humor and even some tense moments but it is a well made film. A great return for Mr. Cruise...

- John Z.


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1 comment:

  1. Tom Cruise definitely redeemed himself after "The Mummy". And hopefully "American Made" allowed him to get being a pilot out of his system so that he'll let this "Top Gun 2" idea go.
