Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Walking Dead: "The Rotten Core" Review


Television's longest-running zombie series, "The Walking Dead", has finally came to a close. And I figured I'd give you my verdict on episode 14 of the last season, "The Rotten Core". As the middle chapter of a 3-parter, we pick up where the previous episode, "Warlords", left off.



One-eyed minister Gabriel and one-armed boring guy Aaron went on a first contact expedition for the Commonwealth to a newly discovered community presided over by none other than Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn). But ex-CIA assassin Toby Carlson bodied Kyle and started tossing people off the roof of the community's apartment building in order to get somebody to spill the beans on the location of a cache of guns hijacked from a Commonwealth convoy. By now, Maggie, Elijah and Alpha Jr. (Lydia) have snuck into the building after coming across a shot-up Commonwealth citizen who...escaped? -- and was given a map by surprise community member Negan. Meanwhile, back at the CW, Darryl and Rosita are coerced by the governor's prick of a son, Sebastian, into sneaking into a compound that lies behind a swarm of walkers -- WITHOUT guns -- in order to retrieve some cash. Once inside, they meet April, the last panicked survivor of a 12-member group who embarked on the same mission. Negan, who we learn is a newlywed and has a baby on the way, rescues Maggie's son Herschel, who stowed away in his mom's truck, from a CW soldier. Negan's missus, Annie, has a heart-to-heart with Maggie and reveals that her new husband told her all about his past.

While this is going on, Negan has a man-to-kid talk with Herschel, who pulls out on the former Saviors-leader when he realizes that he's the guy who bludgeoned his dad, Glen, with a barbwire wrapped bat. Elsewhere, Darryl turns on the power back at the compound, allowing them access to the compound's safe. Unfortunately, the alarm's powered on as well and draws walkers. Just when things are looking grim, Commonwealth general, Mercer, and Darryl's bff, Carol, arrive. But they're down to 10 rounds of ammo. So the members of the quintet cover themselves in blood and guts and try walking through the crowd -- until a walker gets caught on April's armor, resulting in a feeding frenzy and the end of any hopes of her becoming a new cast member. Back at the Carter, the CWs chase Gabe and Aaron to the roof, falling right into a trap, wherein Toby's backup is sliced up by Elijah. Aaron shoots Toby off the roof and since the impact of the fall doesn't kill him, the reanimated corpses of the people he previously threw off the roof do. When Darryl and company get back, Mercer bodies the waiting soldiers for not helping the group to escape. But they hand the cash over to Sebastian in order to avoid starting a war with his mom. Later, Carol tells Lance Hornsby, the governor's do-boy, what happened and discovers that his weaselly ass was in on it all along; Negan promises Herschel a chance to settle his debt at a future date. And after all this, we finally learn that Darryl's ex, Lia, was the one who jacked the convoy and zombified the soldiers guarding it.

This episode's shenanigans weren't as interesting as Eugene and Stephanie's growing dynamic and like most of the season, could be summed up as "more of the same". But it was nice to see Negan back in the mix so soon. But I can't lie, I don't really care whether I find out how things turn out in the sequel series or not. But I've come this far so....bring it on, I guess.

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