Thursday, October 6, 2022

"Nightbreed" Review


by Daniel White

As an ardent admirer of the original film version of Hellraiser, so I wanted to like this movie, but as one of the subterranean creatures says: "What a mess."

Clive Barker's Nightbreed (1990) IS a mess, an annoying cluster of ideas, genres and themes that, though brilliant at times, is ultimately frustrating. Frustrating that such a talented dude like Barker could not get it together and produce a decent fantasy/fright flick. Is it a slasher movie? (The best scene was a well-staged, suspenseful home invasion bloodbath). A plea for tolerance? A romance? A thriller/chase film? It's all of the above - and in the end, nothing. Unfortunately, too many spices rendered this stew inedible. As a meal, Nightbreed is impossible to digest.

Craig Sheffer stars as Aaron Boone, a young man haunted by disturbing dreams. Framed by his psychiatrist (a creepy David Cronenberg) for a series of murders, the haunted Boone turns hunted.
Forced to flee, he finds refuge in Midian, a spooky society of disfigured misfits. The unsightly, devilish but decent derelicts have banded together, fearful of persecution from the "Naturals" (humans). Something like that. By the time our unhinged hero arrived at Midian, I had stopped caring what all the fuss was about. I just wanted it to end.

Which is too bad, because the special-effects and make-up are ingenious, the actors all ultra-competent and the music by Danny Elfman extremely well-done. But to no avail. It's like souping up a Ford Pinto. All that polish, shine and exquisite exterior work doesn't change the fact that it's just a highly-combustible death trap. I know that Barker was unhappy with the way Morgan Creek Productions handled the marketing of the film. He was displeased with the cuts they made (there are several versions floating around, the one I saw was 120 minutes) and other changes he was forced to accept. If there is a more entertaining, worthy Nightbreed out there, I hope it prevails. The one I had to sit through was cringe worthy - and not in a good way.

Distributed by 20th Century Fox, with a talented Anne Bobby, who sings a mean torch song, Nightbreed is available on YouTube.

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