While the holidays fill many people's hearts with cheer, Christmas seems to bring out the worst in others. These naughty list mainstays are guaranteed to get bags of Kingsford each and every year.
11. Lucy Van Pelt

True to his character, Charlie Brown is a good-natured, warm-hearted soul on "A Charlie Brown Christmas". And that makes his football nemesis, Lucy, that much more of a jerk for berating him when the Christmas tree that he finds for his Christmas play doesn't meet her standards.
10. Scut Farkas

Every neighborhood probably has a bully. And this freckle-faced demon has taken it upon himself to terrorize his peers (and their little brothers) in their little corner of Hohman, Indiana. In A Christmas Story, Scut (with help from sidekick Grover Dill) makes the walk to and from school a living nightmare for his classmates.
9. The Reindeer

The North Pole has several bullies. Their names are Donner, Dancer, Cupid, Blitzen, Prancer, Dasher, Comet and Vixen. Because fellow caribou Rudolph happened to be born with an unconventional-looking nose, these eight jerks gang up to tear him down at every opportunity in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". The only reason they backed down was because St. Nick stepped in.
8. The Grinch

According to Kermit, it's not easy being green. But that's no reason to dump all over everyone else's good time. Not satisfied with being a hater, the Grinch is a legit burglar. He ran through the homes of Whoville swiping presents like he was on an episode of "Supermarket Sweep".
7. Ebenezer Scrooge

Scrooge is the reason that unions were invented. In A Christmas Carol, he paid his star employee, Bob Cratchit, just enough to keep him in debt and under his thumb forever. The last we heard of him he seemed to have changed his ways. But then again, for all we know he was just caught up in the holiday spirit and turned right back into a crab after New Year's. After all, his future vision didn't seem like it belonged to a well loved guy and according to the Terminator movies, there's not much you can do to change your destiny.
6. Henry F. Potter

In It's a Wonderful Life, Potter's not just greedy -- he's a straight up sociopath. Not only did he steal $8,000 from Jimmy Stewart but he also tried to get him locked up and convinced him that committing suicide was his best option.
5. The Duke Brothers
Randolph and Mortimer Duke may be the scummiest pair of racists in Philadelphia. In Trading Places, they ruined the life of one of their favorite employees and personally groomed his replacement with plans to "send him back to the ghetto" after reaping the hefty profits from his work -- and all for a $1 bet!
4. Mr. Joshua

In reality, Mel Gibson is probably the biggest villain involved with this movie. But in terms of the story, Lethal Weapon's Mr. Joshua may work for a ruthless heroin kingpin (retired U.S. Army general Peter McAllister), but he really enjoys his job. When he has people tortured and attempts to kill LAPD Detective Roger Murtaugh's family -- at Christmas, no less -- it's clear that he's not doing it for the dough.
3. Hans Gruber

Hans Gruber from Die Hard may be the ghost of the Grinch's Christmas future. It's not enough that he masterminded a plot to steal $640 million in bearer bonds on Christmas Eve and murdered hostages along the way. Part of his plan included blowing up all of the guests at the company Christmas party on the roof of the Nakitomi building.
2. Colonel Stuart
Not only is Die Hard 2's Colonel William Stuart a traitor to his country, he tricks the pilot of a jetliner into crashing -- killing all 230 people on board -- just to make a point.
1. Timothy
CIA psych ops specialist Timothy (last name unknown) from The Long Kiss Goodnight, started the holiday off taking part in a scheme to detonate a chemical bomb in downtown Niagara Falls. When that doesn't go smoothly he tries to freeze his own daughter to death. When THAT doesn't work he shoots at her!
Originally Posted 12/17/18
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