Monday, October 4, 2021

"Nine Perfect Strangers" Review


by John Zenoni

Talk about an absolutely crazy, mixed up series! ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’ was nuts on film. The book itself was enough for me and my wife (we both love Liane Moriarty!) but we couldn't wait to see what they did with it in this show, considering we also had read and watched the series, ‘Big Little Lies’, which was great!
It's hard to compare the two, however, I will say that I think ‘Big Little Lies’ translated better to the screen than ‘Nine Perfect Strangers’. But I think that has a lot to do with the material that you're working with. To me, there was a better story in ‘BLL’ than in ‘NPS.’ However, that's just me. Plus, they did change a few things in ’NPS’ that I wasn't crazy about (the ending being one of them).
This is a story about a group of strangers - all with their own ‘baggage’, i.e, marital troubles, career problems, addictions, suicide, etc. - who enroll in this very expensive, secluded resort where they're going to work on various issues, things about themselves. They begin to realize that the founder of this resort, Masha, who has her own issues, has been experimenting with them and drugging them for her own personal need.
The biggest issue I have with the series, which overall I did like, was that the cast just didn't blend well together, in my opinion. The acting was good at times but in many scenes I felt that it was a stretch for the main characters, particularly Nicole Kidman. I was with her in the beginning but toward the end I just didn't find her character believable and felt that she was out of place. Same thing with the connection between Melissa McCarthy (who I'm just not a fan of anyway) and Bobby Canavale, who I do like very much.
Overall, it's not a bad show but it doesn't have the same magic as ‘Big Little Lies’ did.

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