Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Best Shows I've Watched During Quarantine


by John Zenoni

It's hard to believe I haven't been in a movie theater since March and needless to say it's starting to get on my nerves. However, I will say this pandemic has given me the opportunity to stream more series/shows during this period. So I'm going to mention a couple of series I have watched that I think are worth watching.

1) Dark (Netflix) 

If you're a fan of science fiction, and to be honest it's not my normal go-to as far as genres, then you have got to watch this mind-blowing German series! It's like a train wreck - you want to turn away but you can't help but watch! It's really hard to review the show without giving anything away but the best way to explain it is that the story centers on time travel and four families. The way they intersect with each other and cross paths - in current time and in the past and future - is what keeps you glued to the show. It's a show that you have to watch very, very closely and it can definitely get confusing at times. It's one of those shows that I had to go and read some recaps afterwards to be sure I was straight with everything. But trust me, it's unlike anything you've seen and is worth watching.

2) Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (Netflix)


I would think that almost everyone has heard of Jeffrey Epstein and the stories of his wealth, connections with famous celebrities and powerful people in the political world, and his ultimate downfall. I had what I would consider some ‘high level’ knowledge about him going into this docuseries but this definitely opened my eyes into what he really was about. It will (should) make you absolutely sick knowing what this man was involved in and how long he was able to get away with what he did. It will also make you (again, should) so angry knowing that authorities from the Assistant Attorney’s office all the way up to the FBI had knowledge about Epstein and he was always able to work out some deal and get away with his crimes. This documentary recounts stories that are hard to listen to at times and you feel for the victims who share their stories and, while you hope they will get justice, in the end Epstein gets away without them being able to face him in court. This is a very well done documentary on a despicable human being.

3) The Vow (HBO Max) 

This is a docuseries that is currently playing and has not completely streamed yet. However, I am hooked on this show as well and cannot wait for the next episode. This is a documentary that gives insight into the self-improvement group NXIVM, an organization under siege with charges including sex trafficking and racketeering conspiracy charges brought against its highest members and founder Keith Raniere. What this man is able to do and how people flock to him - allowing themselves to be brainwashed - is amazing. It's interesting to see how the few who have chosen to break away are dealing with the repercussions of leaving this very rich and powerful group.

4) Class Action Park (HBO Max) 

This is an absolutely insane documentary about an amusement park in New Jersey that was the brainchild of a businessman who did not have the best reputation. The park itself eventually earns a reputation as the world's most dangerous amusement park and when you watch and see what happens you can understand why. While some of the rides look fun and you wish you could have gone there (I do anyway), after hearing first hand from former park employees about their experiences and hearing about some things that happened, you are thankful you didn't risk your life (literally) riding anything in the park. Lawsuits eventually begin to be filed due to accidents that happened at the park and it eventually takes its toll on the park and owner. It's a very interesting watch!

Originally Posted 9/28/20

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