The Avengers: Infinity War's release date has been moved up one week to April 27. Disney, who was just as surprised as everyone else by Black Panther's unexpected, phenomenal success, is now faced with the specter of a movie that focuses on a previously little-known Avenger affiliate ultimately overshadowing their anticipated crown jewel. In a bid to give Infinity War more of an uncontested opportunity to thrive in theaters, the movie's been scheduled out of the May pre-summer slot. With Deadpool 2 debuting May 18 and Solo guaranteeing filled multiplexes the following week, the full Marvel enchilada apparently didn't seem to have enough breathing room.
There are plenty of movies debuting in April but Infinity War's the most promising option -- by far. At the very least, it'll give us another glimpse of Black Panther in action.
April 6
A Quiet Place
Show Dogs
You Were Never Really Here
April 11
April 13
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero
The Rider
April 20
Duck Duck Goose
The House of Tomorrow
Super Troopers 2
April 27
Infinity War
I gotta be honest. I'm very nervous about the Avengers going intergalactic. There is enormous potential for this to be goofy and ridiculous. But some pretty good stories inMarvel comics have taken place in outer space. If the movie team can manage to get that magic to translate to the screen we're in for a treat. ButInfinity War's guaranteed to make a ton of skrilla and it offers the best chance to be entertained at a cineplex this April.