Sunday, March 5, 2017

"The Shack" Movie Review

by John Zenoni

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Tonight I had the opportunity to see a film based on a book I read called 'The Shack.' I loved the book, one that is supposedly a true story about a man encountering (as in actually seeing and talking to) God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit one weekend when he returns to a 'shack' where his young daughter was killed after being kidnapped. 

The reason I connected to the book was that it spoke to me as a religious person but I could also see it touching someone who might be struggling with or questioning spirituality and one of the hardest 'challenges' of being a Christian, which is learning to forgive others for the wrongs they have done against us or those we love. 

Going into the movie I was hoping that everything that was appealing about the book would translate onto the screen and I am very happy to say that it did. I know many people might think, "Oh no, one of those awfully made or sappy religious or Christian movies" but this one is very well made and acted. Sam Worthington plays the lead character in the film and he does a great job of portraying an angry father, one who is unwilling to forgive himself for not paying closer attention to his daughter. He is also mad at God for allowing such a tragedy to happen and we watch as he struggles with his anger and frustration. Tim McGraw is also in the film for a little bit and does a good job of portraying the next door neighbor who tries to console 'Mack', Sam Worthington's character. The other major role in the film is that of 'Papa', a nickname for God by one of the characters in the film. 'Papa' is portrayed by the always wonderful and excellent Octavia Spencer. I have to say, having read the book and knowing that God comes to 'Mack' in the image of a black woman, that she was made for this role! Octavia Spencer is definitely one of my favorite actors in movies today and she does not disappoint in this one. Her mannerisms, dialect and everything about her makes you feel that she is truly a loving parent to all. While it is a tough film to watch because of the content, it carries a wonderful and positive message that we (as in everyone) need to hear today. I would be very surprised if anyone watches this film and is not touched even in a very minute way. Awesome movie...


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