Wednesday, October 14, 2020

"When the Streetlights Go On" Review


by John Zenoni

Well, "When the Streetlights Go On" is a series of short episodes about how teens cope with the murders of two sisters in their small town (Colfax, Illinois). But I watched them all strung together at once as a single movie. I tell you, Quibi, the mobile streaming app that produced it, is really trying to get people to subscribe.

Now as far as this story, I really loved the opening segment and I was hooked within about the first 20-30 minutes. But it went from high to low towards the end. The concept itself wasn't original but there were some good moments. The parents -- Where the hell were the parents? I would have liked to have known more about the dynamics and why the one daughter was 'the precious one' and why the other was ignored and made to feel less special. I feel like there was a story about Becky being grungy. Did she turn out that way as an act of rebellion after being ignored? Speaking of which, I know this is minor but I couldn't stand Becky's (the younger sister) hairstyle. WTH? It looked like a horrible wig. Not to mention that side hairdo of Queen Latifah's! What was that? I love her but she looked ridiculous with that hair.

As for the other characters, I'm sorry but the 'big' jock, Brad, got on my nerves and there's no way that he'd be threatening to anyone, as small as he was. But I did think that Casper made a pretty believable 'bad guy'. And the main character, Charlie, is definitely a redeeming factor.

Overall, "When the Streetlights Go On" has some good moments but I was definitely disappointed with the ending. I give it a 3 out of 5.

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