Thursday, August 27, 2020

Megan Fox's Mercenary Movie, "Rogue", is As Ridiculous As You'd Imagine it To Be

Rogue (2020) - Movie Posters (1 of 1)

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As it turns out, a movie in which Megan Fox portrays a battle-hardened mercenary is about as ridiculous as you'd imagine it to be. After being hired by an African bigwig to liberate his kidnapped daughter, Fox's Samantha O'Hara leads a team of soldiers-of-fortune on a snatch-and-grab mission in an unnamed African country. Things go awry, everyone questions O'Hara's leadership (including her) and the survivors find themselves stranded on an abandoned "lion farm" where poachers raise the big cats to be hunted for sport by wealthy tourists. After developing a taste for killing humans, one of the escaped felines on the farm goes rogue and proceeds to hunt O'Hara's team down one-by-one. So, as you can imagine, the big predator gets plenty of screen time.

But one of the myriad problems with Rogue is that when lions play a key role in your movie, you should spring for authentic-looking lions. Unfortunately, the CGI is so shoddy that the singing furballs from last year's Cats look like cinematic perfection by comparison.

A hot mess from beginning to end, Rogue's casting Fox as a special forces badass is so off that it'll make you miss Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor in Batman v. Superman. However, the film's worst issues involve its handling of race. A  jihadist group clearly meant to be a stand-in for Boko Haram is responsible for the aforementioned kidnappings. But where the real Boko Haram made international headlines for abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Rogue's filmmakers saw fit to make its victims caucasian young women who were -- coincidentally -- shanghai'd from their school. This whitewashing is compounded by the fact that the lone surviving Black member of the rescue team, Pata, is singled out for berating and scolding by said schoolgirls. Naturally, he doesn't live to see the end credits -- none of the non-white characters do.

If you really wanna see a VIP's kid get rescued amidst a hail of bullets, I advise you to just watch Extraction again. Skip this trash.
Now streaming on VOD platforms.

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