Sunday, January 23, 2022

"The House" Review


by John Zenoni

I love stop-motion animation films and the latest entry on Netflix is brilliant in terms of the animation and characters but all 3 segments in this film are just creepy. In ‘The House’, there are three individual stories told surrounding the titular house.

The first deals with a poor family (father, mother and two young daughters) living in the country and all seems well except that the father is humiliated by the visit of his well-to-do relatives. He goes on a drinking binge afterwards and ends up in the woods. The next thing you see is a carriage pull up next to him and he enters it and does return home to his family. The next day, a strange man appears who tells them that his ‘employer’ has a deal for them. He would like to move them into his larger estate nearby but he has to agree to never leave. Well, it quickly is revealed that the father made a deal with the devil. What ensues is just disturbing.

The second one is just as, if not more, disturbing. This one deals with a rodent/mouse who has fixed up the house and is trying to sell it. The guests that he invites though are just rude and worse, some others show up that are just strange and refuse to leave. There's a creepy ending to this story as well.

The last story, involving cats, is not scary or creepy - really almost not fitting in with the other two - but it's still strange. Definitely a show that caught me off guard!

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