Sunday, January 20, 2019

"Glass" is Classic M. Night Shyamalan

by John Zenoni

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It has definitely been interesting as a movie buff to see what M. Night Shayamalan comes out with next because he's so all over the place as far as subject matter and has really never achieved (or a least matched) the success of his debut film, ‘The Sixth Sense.’ I won't go into all of his previous films as that's already been done on this page (thank you for the great review, Ran) but I will comment on his latest release, ‘Glass.’ I was hyped from the get go of seeing the movie trailer as to how he was going to tie this in with his previous films, ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Split.’ I read several reviews prior to seeing it tonight that were very negative pertaining to this. But in my opinion he does a great job of tying all three films together.

The latest in the trilogy starts off exactly where the last film, ‘Split’, left off but it then re-introduces Bruce Willis’ character in the first 15 minutes. It's a great lead-in and catches you from the start. As the character of Kevin Wendell Crumb, James McAvoy is just astounding and I don’t see how he has not received more raves for his performance. He excels at playing this character with multiple personalities! In fact, he was the scene stealer in ‘Split’ and is the same in this film. It's good to see Bruce Willis’ return as David Dunn but he doesn't have any ‘fire’ in his eyes. He's good but not quite as good as I expected he would be. The other character, Elijah Price, played by the always excellent Samuel L. Jackson, is definitely a scene stealer as well, although in this film it takes a little bit longer for his character to really come to life. The other key role is that of a psychiatrist played by Sarah Paulson. 

***Spoiler alert*** 

She's a terrific actor and she also does a great job here. She manages to have all three of the ‘comic book’ heroes (or villains) detained and her objective is to make them all realize that they don’t have super powers and are only humans whose strengths can be explained. Needless to say, the storyline moves forward on the premise that she's going to be able to convince them of this. What happens next I will not divulge for concern of giving away the major pieces of the plot. But with that being said, the twist at the end is classic M. Night Shyamalan! Definitely a great film!


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