Thursday, June 7, 2018

John's Review of "Adrift"

by John Zenoni

Ah, nothing like going to see what you expect to be an intense, edge-of-your-seat thriller only to find out it is really a love story that takes place on the ocean, with a bad situation. Thus my intro begins to “Adrift.” Yes, Ran, yes you told me but what can I say, the trailer had me hooked. However, with that being said, I have to say it was not a completely horrible movie. 

It actually did have some great scenes and a few intense moments. And, Shailene Woodley does a great job in her role as the young woman on an adventure who falls in love with the more experienced and handsome sailor, played by Sam Claflin. Yes, some cheesy moments occur and you wonder how they manage to do some things but still the fact that it was based on a true story is amazing. The storyline going back and forth the entire film normally drives me crazy but in this case I was ok with it. Definitely a good rental flick or one to stream if you have nothing else to do.

1 comment:

  1. Click update movie at yidio - Great movie that never lost my attention. Between the surprising twists (that I won't mention because they would be spoilers) and the intense action all through the movie I was glued to the screen. Shailene Woodley's great acting carried the movie like, in a smaller way, how Tom Hanks captivated in Cast Away. Definitely worth seeing. I would suggest see it without knowing much about the story.
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