Monday, January 15, 2018

Tempi's Micro-Review of "The Post"

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At one point during "The Post", former military analyst Daniel Ellsburg explains that the common belief among decision-makers during the Vietnam War was that: 10% of the reason for continued U.S. involvement was aiding South Vietnam; 20% was  to stop the spread of communism; and 70% was to avoid the humiliation of admitting defeat. Unbelievable.

"The Post" is gritty, suspenseful and interesting to the end. Slow, but intentionally so. The contemplations, the stakes, the power, the risk and the revelation. The sorrow that those members of the media and politicians who party and eat together watch each other's sons enter, or lead them into, an impossible war. 

My only complaint is that Meryl Streep seemed to steal some of Tom Hanks' spotlight. I would see it again but not until it comes to Netflix.

by Tempi Duffey

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