Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Crawl" Movie Review

by John Zenoni

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Talk about an edge-of-your-seat movie! I can’t believe I'm saying this but ‘Crawl’ is just that! This movie was something I expected to be just a ho-hum ‘B’ flick that would be a way to kill a couple of hours. But let me say, it's actually really good!
The story is very simple: student-daughter Haley, who is on the Florida Gators (how ironic) swim team, gets a call from her sister, who lives out of state, asking if she's heard from their dad. There's a huge cat-5 hurricane hitting the state and so she asks Haley to please check on him and let her know if he's ok. Haley agrees and thus begins the drive to his house to see if he's alright. Upon arriving at the family home, she finds him injured in the basement but also learns of deadly gators that have made their way in. Thus the action begins!

What really makes this movie work is the tension and suspense that builds but yet it doesn't take too long for the action to happen. The buildup is fast and quick. I also like that some of the scares (those that make you jump - I thought the lady in front of me was going to launch over her seat into my row, lol!) - were unexpected. The pace is perfect and the actors do a great job in their roles. Yes, there were one or two cheesy moments but the rest of the film definitely makes up for it!

Oh, the film was actually only an hour and a half and didn't need to be any longer. The movie didn't try to be anything other than a good film about a family trying to survive against mother nature’s creatures! Great popcorn flick!

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