Friday, August 5, 2022

John Reacts to the New York Times' List of "The Best 25 Films of the 21st Century So Far"

by John Zenoni

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First and foremost, I am going to HAVE to see 'There Will Be Blood' since this one is on so many 'must see' and 'best of' lists, including this one obviously. Seeing that it is #1 on the list makes it a 'must see' for me to see what the hoopla is about. 

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I have not seen 'Spirited Away' and to be honest, there are few foreign films I have seen that I have really enjoyed. There are some good ones, but they are just not my favorite genre so I won't be speaking to many of those. I especially don't get the critical acclaim that is heaped on Japanese animation films but that is ok, that is art to other people. 

Now #3 on this list ('Million Dollar Baby') I totally agree with. It is one of my favorite films of all time and if I may say so, I think one of Clint Eastwood's best. Hilary Swank is absolutely amazing in this film and gives one of the most heartfelt and heartbreaking performances in a film. Great movie! 

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I do not get #7, 'Inside Out', and why the critics went so crazy over this Pixar film as I did not get it. I found the storyline annoying as well as the characters, or 'emotions', so I don't agree with this one. Pixar has done better. 

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On to #8 and 'Boyhood.' I can't really comment on this one not having seen it but I wonder if some of the raves don't have to do with the innovative idea of filming the main character over a 12 year period. The thing about it is I really don't care whether I see the film or not and that is pretty bad. 

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Next is #10, 'The Hurt Locker', which definitely deserves to be on this list. Not only is it a great film, the tension at times is unbearable, but the acting is awesome - Jeremy Renner is phenomenal and this is probably going to be his best performance ever. Also, kudos to the director being a woman and creating a film of this genre as I do not think anyone thought she could do it! 


With #16 on the list, 'Munich', by one of our greatest living filmmakers, Steven Spielberg, you would think I would have loved this film but I just did not. Don't get me wrong, it was good I just think he has done better. Also overrated in my opinion is #19, 'Mad Max Fury Road.' Again, a good film, in fact the special effects, costumes and cinematography are great, but it is not a 'best of' film.

Ok, #20, 'Moonlight', is also on my 'must see' list of films so when I have seen it I will give feedback. I have heard it is remarkable. There are two on this list that I am shaking my head over - 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin.' Really????

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Ok, now here are some films that I cannot believe are not on this list. First and foremost is '12 Years a Slave.' How in the hell can you have a 'best of' list of films from the 21st century (so far) and not include this one! The storyline is amazing (albeit difficult to tell much less portray on the big screen) and the performances are just amazing. From the minute Chiwetel Ejiofor's character is enslaved and beaten in the cell (which is so hard to watch) to the hanging in the field to all that Lupita Nyong'o's character has to endure, this is definitely one of the best movies of the 21st century, if not also earlier ones. It is one of those films that once you see it, it resonates with you so much that you cannot see it again because of the cruelty and violence against your fellow human beings. That is the mark of a great film. 

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Another groundbreaking film that should be included is 'Brokeback Mountain.' A controversial film, no doubt, and not for everyone I know, but the performances alone make this film so good. Heath Ledger, who we all know would go on to give his popular performance as 'The Joker' in 'The Dark Knight', gives a tour de force performance in this movie. If anyone watches this movie and does not get chills and feels SOMETHING at the end, then there is something wrong. Heartbreaking movie! 

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Finally, two other more recent films that should be here are 'Sicario' and 'Hell or High Water'. Both are fantastic films that are unique and special for merits on their own. The scene at the dinner table in 'Sicario' with the drug lord and Benecio Del Toro's character is one of the craziest and hardest things to watch whereas in 'Hell or High Water', it has one of the most beautiful scenes between two brothers when they are on their farmland. Both are amazing and difficult to watch at the same!

There you have it!

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