Star Wars' "Rogue One" is a hit! This is a much better Stars Wars film than last years' "The Force Awakens". The character development was such that you really got into the characters - I am still amazed at one in particular and how they did it but will not say anything else so as to give anything away - and cared for them all.
Most impressive was the story line and how it all tied into previous ones. I really thought this was going to be a true 'stand alone' Star Wars film based on what I had read but must have misunderstood. But that is ok as it did not deter my appreciation from the film at all. Of course it also goes without saying that the special effects and scenes were right in target and very impressive. This film has brought life back into the series and leaves you wanting more!
- John Z.

Star Wars is finally back. Not a remix of the first two films -- an original Star Wars story. Last year's The Force Awakens had a lot of style but not much substance. Let's be real, it was more hype than greatness. Rogue One is actually about something.
The movie is marketed as a "stand-alone Star Wars story". But that's not really true. In reality, Rogue is a prequel and is key to the events that follow. There's also a small acknowledgement of what came before. But fortunately, it's nothing like those pre-Empire movies. Rogue has more in common with The Empire Strikes Back than those things.
To be honest, it's more like Empire than any other Star Wars movie. Vader is in beast-mode, the good guys aren't angels, there's no teddy-bear army and the "heroes" take extremely heavy losses.
In fact, this movie makes up for the wack stuff in Return of the Jedi. For instance, you get a battle that alternates between land and space -- but without the Care Bears.
Rogue One makes me never wanna watch the prequel trilogy, The Force Awakens or even Return of the Jedi again. Yeah, I said it. I definitely don't give a shit what happens to Kylo Ren, Rey and Poe Dameron in the future. At this point all the Star Wars saga needs is the original, The Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One. There's your new trilogy right there.
Darth Vader is back too. Not a lame, groupie grandkid trying hard to be live up to the family name and not George Lucas' rewritten version of history -- this time the actual, choke-the-shit-out-you-quick, murder-my-own-officers-without-breaking-a-sweat Darth Vader. Not once does he break outta character and yell, "Nooooo!" like he did in Revenge of the Sith and the Special Edition Return of the Jedi (Smh).
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia aren't the only Rebels with a dad who works for the Empire. Rebel Alliance recruit Jyn Erso's father Galen is the engineer who designed the Death Star. But in keeping with Star Wars tradition, "There is still good in him..." Actually, Galen was pressured into working on the superweapon and he reasoned that if he oversaw the design as opposed to someone else he could sabotage it. He even calls his file containing the details on how to destroy the battlestation "Stardust" -- the nickname he gave his daughter as a little girl.
For her part, Jyn only joins the Rebel Alliance so that she can help the rebels rescue her father from his involuntary work on the project. They want to help him defect because his inside information would prove invaluable. Jyn just wants her dad back -- especially since she also loses her surrogate father, Saw Gerrera, who raised her after Galen was initially pressed into Imperial service.
If we're lucky and if Lucasfilm is smart, this is a sign of things to come and not a stand-alone great story.
The movie is marketed as a "stand-alone Star Wars story". But that's not really true. In reality, Rogue is a prequel and is key to the events that follow. There's also a small acknowledgement of what came before. But fortunately, it's nothing like those pre-Empire movies. Rogue has more in common with The Empire Strikes Back than those things.
To be honest, it's more like Empire than any other Star Wars movie. Vader is in beast-mode, the good guys aren't angels, there's no teddy-bear army and the "heroes" take extremely heavy losses.
In fact, this movie makes up for the wack stuff in Return of the Jedi. For instance, you get a battle that alternates between land and space -- but without the Care Bears.
Rogue One makes me never wanna watch the prequel trilogy, The Force Awakens or even Return of the Jedi again. Yeah, I said it. I definitely don't give a shit what happens to Kylo Ren, Rey and Poe Dameron in the future. At this point all the Star Wars saga needs is the original, The Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One. There's your new trilogy right there.
Darth Vader is back too. Not a lame, groupie grandkid trying hard to be live up to the family name and not George Lucas' rewritten version of history -- this time the actual, choke-the-shit-out-you-quick, murder-my-own-officers-without-breaking-a-sweat Darth Vader. Not once does he break outta character and yell, "Nooooo!" like he did in Revenge of the Sith and the Special Edition Return of the Jedi (Smh).
Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia aren't the only Rebels with a dad who works for the Empire. Rebel Alliance recruit Jyn Erso's father Galen is the engineer who designed the Death Star. But in keeping with Star Wars tradition, "There is still good in him..." Actually, Galen was pressured into working on the superweapon and he reasoned that if he oversaw the design as opposed to someone else he could sabotage it. He even calls his file containing the details on how to destroy the battlestation "Stardust" -- the nickname he gave his daughter as a little girl.
For her part, Jyn only joins the Rebel Alliance so that she can help the rebels rescue her father from his involuntary work on the project. They want to help him defect because his inside information would prove invaluable. Jyn just wants her dad back -- especially since she also loses her surrogate father, Saw Gerrera, who raised her after Galen was initially pressed into Imperial service.
- Ran