While MCU movies often take liberties with the source material, the ramifications of events that began in Infinity War may be resolved in a manner that follows pretty closely to the story's "Infinity Guantlet" roots. Here's why:
1) A golden-hued being named Adam is introduced in one of Guardians of the Galaxy 2's post-credits scenes.
2) While many fans blame Peter Quill's emotionally-charged attack on Thanos (prompted by his realization that the Mad Titan had murdered the love of his life, Gamora) for the Purple Giant snapping out of Mantis' trance and ultimately killing off half the universe. But Nebula is the one who chose Thanos' semi-incapacitation as the moment to drive the point home for Quill (instead of helping Iron Man, Spider-Man and the other assembled heroes to help to wrestle his gauntlet off). While Quill acted out of grief, Nebula's actions may have been a little more calculated.
The "Infinity Guantlet" comics storyline included Nebula making off with the guantlet after Thanos uses it to horrifying effect. Both Thanos and Warlock work to defeat her after she's tricked into reversing the effects of "The Snap".
While the guantlet itself seemed worse for wear -- and possibly fused to Thanos' hand -- at the end of the movie, the stones all looked to be intact. If Nebula can manage to take possession of the big glove somehow (in the comics, she snagged it while he was on the astral plane, leaving his body unattended), only to be thwarted by Thanos, Warlock and the combined heroes, we'd get a pretty faithful adaptation.
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